Pramaa offers a comprehensive range of services that are tailored to meet your mental, physical, and emotional well-being needs. Our team of experts specializes in various areas, including mind, body, soul, relationships, parenting, work, and more. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our services and how we help you lead a happier and healthier life.
Life as a Game
"As long as life has the level of being a game, you can play it. When it no longer has the level of being a game, it plays you."
Understanding through Communication
“The dynamic principle of existence is survival.”
Understanding Human Emotions & Relationships
"Man, in affinity with man, survives, and that survival is pleasure.”
Efficiency & Solving Problems at Work
“Insecurity exists in the absence of knowledge.”
Understanding the Mind
“A mind that is enslaved is weak.
A mind that is free is powerful,
and all the power there is, is defined by and contained in freedom.”
Personal Integrity
“All mankind lives and each man strives by codes of conduct mutually agreed. Perhaps these codes are good, perhaps they’re bad, It’s only evident they’re codes. Mores binds the race.”
Secrets of Parenting
“A good stable adult with love and tolerance in his heart is about the best therapy a child can have.”
Study Technology
“The evolution of knowledge is toward simplicity, not complexity.”